
英语词汇学习七种武器之四:促进深层次理解 - 英语教学法原著选读77(附导读、译文与家长指南)

2016-09-30 武太白 武太白英语教学




上周我们读了《英语词汇学习七种武器之三:有规划反复重现 (英语教学法原著选读76)》,文中指出,既要追求英语词汇学习的绝对词汇数量,也要注意词汇学习的相对学习深度;艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线是很有用的,最好能照此安排词汇记忆;有些游戏对词汇记忆很有用,比如scramble、bingo等。



1、重复性的维持演练(maintenance rehearsal)固然也能记住单词,但不断深入的“详述演练(elaboration rehearsal)”更能帮助我们学好词汇;









Thesis Title: Current Trends in Vocabulary Teaching

Author: Anita J. Sokmen

Promote a deep level of processing

Better learning will take place when a deeper level of semantic processing is required because the words are encoded with elaboration (Craik and Lockhart, 1972). This doesn't mean that simply repeating items, 'maintenance rehearsal’, will not lead to retention. It will. However, according to Baddeley (op. cit.) providing ‘elaborative rehearsal’, richer levels of encoding, will result in better learning. When students are asked to manipulate words, relate them to other words and to their own experiences, and then to justify their choices, these word associations are reinforced. Students need to be encouraged to think aloud, give reasons for their word choices, and to extend their learning of the world outside of the classroom, e.g. report when they encounter the target word in the real world (Beck, McKeown, and Omanson, 1987). Classroom activities which demand deeper processing, 'rich instruction', can be time-consuming and hard work for students, but, as Ellis (2.2) maintains, really acquiring a word is facilitated by cognitive effort in an explicit learning process.

Describing a target word to the student until the meaning is clear, is one way to engage the learner in deeper processing. Nation refers to this as the What is it? technique. His example is for learning the word stirrup:

A stirrup is silver. A stirrup is strong. A stirrup is made of iron. A stirrup has a flat bottom. We can find a stirrup on a horse. A stirrup is used to put your foot into when you ride a horse. (1990: 67)

Since the meaning is not quickly given away, the learner has a reason to continue to process all of the input, until it is understood.

Another example of encouraging deeper encoding is asking students to describe how a word, in this case order, is distinguished from similar ones. The directions are to cross out the word in each series which does not belong.

(a)order    command    advise        demand

(b) order   tell                instruct        suggest

(c) order   ask   obey

In the process of deleting one, the characteristics which categorize the others will emerge. An even richer opportunity comes from having students supply the initial synonyms for this activity.

Visser's (1990) underlying meaning technique is an example of a classroom activity which tries to promote a more in-depth understanding of a word. In her example, students are given a polysemous word in two contexts:

(a)If people or things saturate a place or object, they fill it so completely that no more can be added.

(b)If someone or something is saturated, they are extremely wet.

Then they are encouraged to interact in small groups, discussing questions which focus their attention on the similar feature or idea within this word. For example, what happens when cheap imported goods saturate the market? Can you get saturated with sweat? From their discussion, students have to decide what the similar features/ideas are in (a) and (b) and determine an underlying meaning of saturate. Whatever classroom techniques are applied, the degree of processing required will have an important effect on how well the words are remembered.




A stirrup is silver. A stirrup is strong. A stirrup is made of iron. A stirrup has a flat bottom. We can find a stirrup on a horse. A stirrup is used to put your foot into when you ride a horse. (1990: 67)



(a) order command advise demand

(b) order tell instruct suggest

(c) order ask obey



(a)If people or things saturate a place or object, they fill it so completely that no more can be added.

(b)If someone or something is saturated, they are extremely wet.


